Mediaperson Baiju Chandran returns to fiction with a short film called ‘Sreeparvathiyude Paadam.' An adaptation of a eponymous short story by E. Harikumar, the movie trails a young woman's journey to her ancestral home in the countryside. The heart-warming story attempts to capture the different images, sounds, and even the smells of the countryside that the woman remembers and associates with her childhood.
Using a lucid storyline, the filmmaker attempts to highlight the bond between man and nature. A strong undercurrent of eco-feminism, where the female equates herself with the nature, is maintained through three characters representing three generations. While Madhavi, the protagonist, inherits her love for nature from her grandmother, Madhavi's little niece finds delight in the small wonders of the village landscape. Through Madhavi and her sister Sharada, the story also draws parallels between dreams and needs. Anjana Haridas debuts as Madhavi while Sona Nair dons the role of Saradha. The film also features noted director and actor M.G. Sasi and Valsala Menon. The film is Produced by Doordarshan Kendra, Thiruvananthapuram,
choosing E.Harikumar’s short story is its universal significance where one woman represents nature and other one represents selfishness of humanity.” says Baiju.
Baiju feels that people are not interested in serious movies and literature and instead, spend time on meaningless TV programmes. “My aim is to make the viewers aware of the need to protect our nature. I hope to create a good impact on the society with this film” he says.